Kamis, 27 Desember 2012

Cara menulis daftar pustaka dari berbagai sumber

Cara menulis daftar pustaka yang bersumber dari JURNAL:
Jamet, R., Guillet, B., Robert, M., Ranger, J., Veneau, G., 1996. Study of current dynamics of soils from a podzol–oxisol sequence in Tahiti (French polynesia) using the testmineral technique. Geoderma 73, 107–124.
Keterangan Warna:
Merah  : Nama Penulis/Penyusun Jurnal
Hitam  : Tahun
Biru     :Judul Tulisan
Hijau   :Nama Jurnal (dimiringkan)
Orange            :Volume Jurnal
Ungu   : Halaman Tulisan di Dalam Jurnal

Cara menulis daftar pustaka yang bersumber dari BUKU:
Yazid, E. dan Nurjanti,L. 2006. Penentuan Praktikum Biokimia. Penerbit Andi. Yogyakarta.
Keterangan Warna:
Merah  : Nama Penulis/Penyusun Buku
Hitam    : Tahun
Biru        : Judul Buku
Orange : Penerbit Buku
Ungu     : Kota Tempat Buku Diterbitkan
NB: Untuk buku, silakan cantumkan edisi, volume atau editor jika buku tersebut menyediakan hal seperti itu dengan meletakkannya pada posisi setelah penulisan judul buku.
Cara menulis daftar pustaka yang bersumber dari Internet
Prabawati, Sulusi., 2008. Mengembalikan Pamor Sagu sebagai Pangan Papua. (http:www. bb_pascapanen@litbang.deptan.go.id, diakses 18 Agustus 2008 pukul 20.13 WIB)
Keterangan Warna:
Merah  : Nama Penulis
Hitam    : Tahun
Biru        : Judul Tulisan
Hijau      : URL tulisan
Ungu     : Tanggal dan Jam Akses Tulisan di Internet (baik itu hanya membaca atau mengunduh tulisan)
Cara menulis daftar pustaka yang bersumber dari Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi atau Laporan Tugas Akhir
Kartini, dkk., 2004. Pemanfaatan Tepung Sagu Untuk Produksi Senyawa Prebiotik Pada Ternak DOC (Daily Old Chicken). Laporan Tugas Akhir. Jurusan Teknik Kimia Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang.
Keterangan Warna:
Merah  : Nama Penulis/Penyusun
Hitam    : Tahun
Biru        : Judul Tulisan
Hijau      : Jenis Tulisan
Ungu     : Instansi yang mengeluarkan tulisan tersebut
NB: Penulis yang lebih dari 3 orang, sebaiknya digunakan (dkk-Indonesia atau et.al-Inggris) dengan mengutamakan ketua sekaligus penggagas ide dari penulisan tersebut.

Rujukan dari Artikel dalam Majalah atau Koran

Nama pengarang ditulis paling depan, diikuti oleh tanggal, bulan dan tahun (jika ada). Judul artikel ditulis tegak diberi tanda kutip dan huruf kapital pada setiap huruf awal, kecuali kata hubung. Nama majalah ditulis dengan menggunakan huruf kecil dengan huruf kapital pada awal setiap kata dan dihuruf miring. Nomor halaman disebut pada bagian akhir.
Ismail, Taufik, “Menyembuhkan Bangsa yang Rabun Membaca”, Suara Muhammadiyah, No. 22/Th. Ke-87/16-30 November 2002. hal. 5-6
Alwasilah, Chaedar, “Meluruskan Pengajaran Sastra” Media Indonesia, 20 Juni 2001
         “Perlunya Meluruskan Pengajaran Sastra” Media Indonesia, 26 Juli 2001. hal 4

Rujukan Berupa Makalah yang Disajikan dalam Seminar, Penataran, atau Lokakarya

Nama penulis ditulis paling depan, dilanjutkan dengan tahun. Judul makalah ditulis cetak tegak dengan diberi tanda kutip, kemudian diikuti pernyataan “makalah disajikan dalam …”, nama pertemuan, lembaga penyelenggara, tempat penyeleng-garaan, serta tanggal.
Wahab, Abdul. 2002. “Komet Api Sakodam” Makalah yang disajikan dalam acara Sastrawan Bicara Mahasiswa Membaca yang diselenggarakan Fakultas Sastra Universitas Negeri Malang tanggal 2 September 2002

Pawley, A., and Syder F. (1976). “The One Clause a Time Hypothesis”. Makalah disampaikan pada Kongres Masyarakat Linguistik New Zealand Pertama, Auckland tanggal 5-7 Juni 1976

Rujukan dari Internet Berupa Karya Individual

Nama penulis ditulis seperti rujukan dari bahan cetak, diikuti secara berturut-turut tahun, judul karya (dihuruf miring), keterangan Online dan diakhiri dengan alamat sumber rujukan dengan keterangan Online di dalam kurung disertai dengan keterangan kapan diakses diantara tanda kurung.
Hermawan,SriSutyoko“PesonaSainsdalamFiksi” (Online)
http://www.kompas.com/kompas%2Dcetak/0103/11/seni/peso18.htm. (diakses 4 Maret 2002)

Endraswara, Suwardi. 2003. Membaca, Menulis, Mengajarkan Sastra Berbasis Kompetensi. Yogyakarta: Kota Kembang.

______ 2002. Metode Pengajaran Apresiasi Sastra. Yogyakarta: CV Radhita Buana.

Depdiknas. 2003. “Kurikulum 2004 Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Sekolah Menengah Atas“. Artikel. Jakarta: Depdiknas.

Anggarani, Ari, Esteri Susilowati, dan Manudin. 2006. Mengasah Keterampilan Menulis Karya Ilmiah di Perguruan Tinggi. Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu.

Pujiono, Setyawan. 2009. Bahasa Indonesia Keilmuan Berbasis Komunikatif. Diunduh dari www.bi_ayu kata-berkata.uny.ac.id pada hari Kamis, 27 Desember 2010.

Penulisan Catatan Kaki
     Sistematika penulisan catatan kaki adalah sebagai berikut.
     Nama penulis (tidak dibalik), judul (Kota terbit: Penerbit, tahun), hlm.
     Mochamad Aleq Sander, Atlas Berwarna Patologi Anatomi (Malang:UMM Press, 2005). Hlm.78.

Demikian cara menulis daftar pustaka yang telah saya lakukan selama ini dari berbagai sumber dan bimbingan dari orang-orang yang berkompeten mengenai daftar pustaka ini.

Selasa, 25 Desember 2012


Standard international school in Indonesia

Andrie Sukamdani
(bahasa inggris STKIP Kusuma Negara – POKJAR Gading Serpong)

           Abstract: Standard international school (SIS) is a national school level in Indonesia that meet National Education Standards  (NES) with the international quality standards.SIS government established under the laws of the National Education which aims to improve the competitiveness of nations.SIS learning to use English in science subjects, but in practice there are still obstacles in the use of language, both teachers and students. SIS should not only emphasize the language, but the course content is equivalent to abroad so graduates can be accepted overseas. One thing to note SIS is learning not to leave the local culture as the existence of Indonesia.

            Key Words : International level standard school, graduate competence standard, content standard, curriculum, adaptation, and adoption.

                Preliminary :

Since entering the 21st century, impact of globalization on national life increasingly powerful and open. The existence of a free market and the progress of technologies in the era of globalization requires a nation to improve the quality of human resources has a high skill and able to compete internationally. Based on reports from United Nation for Development Program (UNDP) about Human Development Index (HDI) covering 175 countries, mentioned that (UNDP) Indonesia declined from 0.684 to 0.682 points. This led to Indonesia's ranking dropped from 110 countries to 112 out of 175 countries surveyed. This position is being categorized. When compared with other ASEAN countries,  Indonesia's position is under Singapore, Brunei Darussalam, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, and Vietnam. Indonesia ranked only better than Myanmar, Cambodia, and Laos
                Education is a pillar in improving Indonesia's human resources for nation building. There for, need an education system of international standard, in order to compete with the human resources from other countries. One form of implementation of the international standard of national education in Indonesia is in the form of Standard international school (SIS). Each local government has been urged to set up international school, as stated in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 Year 2003 on National Education System of article 50, paragraph 3: Government and or local governments conduct of at least one unit of his education at all levels of education to be developed as an educational unit of the international standard.
Learning models in bilingual Standard international school using English. English is an internationally recognized and widely used in the international world. In the era of globalization, English has become something that is considered important, but the essence is the English language that is used only as a tool that will help students when he was face to face with the international community.
Another thing that needs to be examined from the application of the model to the bilingual Standard international school is a potential shift in the value of traditional local crocodile by foreign cultures, which may result in the student losing their identity as a nation of Indonesia, especially on aspects of language. Language is a form of cultural customs that reflect the personality of the nation.
Literature Review :
            Education is one determinant of the competitiveness of the nation, thus needs continuous quality improvement. One of them is the concept of school improvement status gradually towards SIS. SIS is a national school level in Indonesia with international quality standards. The process of teaching and learning in schools emphasizes the development of creativity, innovation, and experimentation to spur new ideas that have never been there. SIS is a school that meets National Education Standards (NES). in every aspect and be able to expand the school culture and school environment that supports the achievement of international standards.
In other words, SIS is Schools National Standard (SNS) plus X. The meaning here is X plus national education standards are fortified, are developed, expanded, deepened through adaptation or adoption of the standards of education are considered internationally recognized quality reputation, both from within and outside the country. Thus, it is expected that graduate students are students whose personality SIS and deeply rooted culture of Indonesia and has a global insight.
The legal basis for SIS are:
1.      National Education System Law Article 50 Section 3:
Government and or local government held at least one unit of education at all levels of education to be developed into an international educational unit.
2.      The main policies of national education in the Ministry of National Education Strategic Plan 2005-2009 Year number 2: Improved quality, relevance, and competitiveness. One of these Standard international school development to enhance the nation's competitiveness. In this case, the government needs to develop SIS at the district / city concerned to develop elementary schools, junior high schools, high schools and vocational high schools international level were 112 units throughout Indonesia.
3.      Government Regulation No. 19 of 2005 Article 61 paragraph 1: Government jointly organized local government at least one unit of study on basic education and at least one unit of education in secondary education to be developed into single-unit international education.
4.      Ministry of Education Strategic Plan 2005-2009 Chapter V Page 58: development of SIS :  to improve the competitiveness of the nation's need to develop SIS in the district or town through consistent collaboration between the government and the district or city, to develop elementary schools, junior high schools, high schools and vocational high schools international level.

Concept SIS :

            Organizers SIS based on the philosophy of existentialism and essentialism (fungsionalisme). The philosophy of existentialism believes that education should nurture and develop the existing learners optimally executed through the facilities of dignity through education, pro-change, creative, innovative, and eksperimentif, grow and develop their talents, interests, and abilities of learners.
            The philosophy of existentialism holds that in the learning process, learners should be treated to the maximum in order to actualize, existence, channeling all  potential, both potential (competence),  intelligence (IQ), emotional (EQ​​) and spiritual (SQ). Essentialism philosophy emphasizes that education should function and relevant to the needs of both the needs of individuals, families, and the needs of various sectors and sub-sectors, both locally, nationally and internationally. Related to the demands of globalization, education should prepare human resources in Indonesia that can compete internationally. With actualize this philosophy, the four pillars of education, are : learning to know, learning to do, learning to live together, and learning to be a valuable benchmark for aligning practices of education in Indonesia starting from the curriculum, the teacher, learn some vital lessons teaching process, facilities and infrastructure, until assessment.
            The formulation of the SIS is NES + X (OECD). the point NES is acronym for National Education Standards Plus X. While the OECD acronym for Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, or an organization of inter-state cooperation in economy and development. Members of these organizations typically have certain advantages in the field of education has been internationally recognized standards.
            As the Quality Assurance Guidelines for School / Madrasah International Standard on Study of Primary and Secondary Education in 2007, that school / madrasah international is already meets all the National Education Standards (NES) and enriched by reference to the standard of education is one of the OECD member countries or other developed countries that have certain advantages in education, so it has a competitive edge in the international forum. So, NES + X means that the implementation of SIS, schools / madrasas must meet National Education Standards and coupled with the indicator X, mean plus or developed by OECD standards or training centers, industry testing agencies / international certifications, such as : Cambridge, IB, TOEFL/TOEIC, ISO,  studies centers and multilateral organizations such as the UNESCO, UNICEF, SEAMEO, and so on.
            There are two ways to do school / madrasah to meet the characteristics (concept) of NES are : The schools that have implemented and meet the eight elements of the SNP as an indicator of the performance of minimally coupled with X as an additional key performance indkator. Two ways are:
1.        adaptation, that is adjusting certain elements that already exist in the NES with respect to the standard of education one of the OECD or other developed countries that have certain advantages in the field of education, is believed to have had a reputation for quality that is recognized internationally, the graduates have international competitiveness.
2.       adoption, that is addition or penyayaan of certain elements that did not exist among the eight elements of the SNP with reference to the standard of education is one member of the OECD or other developed countries.

The characteristics of the output / outcomes SIS is :
1.       SIS graduates can continue their education in the educational unit of international standards, both domestically and abroad,
2.       SIS graduates can work on international institutions and / or other countries, and
3.       medal at the international level on various competencies science, math, technology, art, and sports.

The characteristics of the learning process, assessment of SIS are :
1.      pro-change, that is learning process is able to grow and develop creativity, innovation, reasoning, and experimentation;
2.      apply the model of active learning, creative, effective, and fun,
3.      applying ICT in the learning process all subjects,
4.      learning to use the English language, especially the subjects of science, mathematics, and technology
5.      assessment process by using valuation models superior school of OECD member countries, and
6.      organizing SIS should use international management standards.

Discussion :

            In the implementation of the SIS still unclear technical problems, one of which is the implementation of bilingual teaching models, that is a lesson that uses two languages​​, Indonesian and English. In this system teachers are required to use English in the learning process, educator course for SIS should have high competence in applying the English passive / active.
            These competencies have specific standards such as the TOEFL score> 500, but someone who has a TOEFL score> 500 are not necessarily apply English in teaching subjects to students. Application of English in the SIS is the first year teacher uses about 75% Indonesian 25% English, 50% in the second year 50% Indonesian English language, and the third year 75% 25% English Indonesian.
                SIS concept tends to emphasize bilingual as medium of Instruction international standard rather than the cultivation of value to students. Prof Djohar state that demands global education should not be construed only questioned notch education to our ranks with other countries, but we must aim at improving our education for the existence of our nation's children to live in the global arena, with creativity, with EQ and with his IQ and with knowledge that can not be separated from the reality of their lives.
                This concept departs from a wrong assumption about the mastery of English as the language of instruction and its relationship with TOEFL scores. To be able to teach hard science in English, the teacher must have a TOEFL score> 500. Though there is no relationship between TOEFL scores with the ability to teach hard science in English. High TOEFL score does not guarantee the fluency and the ability of people to express their ideas in English. TOEFL is more likely to measure the competence of a person, when what is needed is a bilingual school teacher teaching skills.
            SIS learning quality is guaranteed with the success of implementing the learning process effective and efficient. The learning process is tailored to the talents, interests, and physical and psychological development of students. While learning to use English is an additional achievement of key performance indicators for the success of the SIS. Learning the science subjects, mathematics and core vocational English language, while learning other subjects, except foreign language lessons, must use the Indonesian language.
            SIS concept in terms of purpose and vision is very good, the students are trained to communicate globally with English. However, in the implementation of SBI should be emphasized is the content of the curriculum and the quality of education that should be of international standard SBI. SBI Students should have the same capabilities with overseas students, because the government is also willing to use international titles. The appearance of SBI invites a bit of controversy, especially when faced with multicultural Indonesia. Education should be based on local culture, which promotes math, chemistry, physics, and biology.
The application of the model can be identified bilingual significant impact on aspects of cultural values ​​locally owned SIS students. Negative influence of foreign languages ​​is already visible, as in a child's development. How to use language that is popular these days is the use of language in all the jumble. Indonesian combined with a foreign language. Many children today are feeling more confident and sociable when using the mixed language.

Language is not just a skill or skills, language has a very large role in the formation of one's identity. Language has a strong link with the formation of one's cultural awareness and maturity. As a process of becoming an adult is something that takes time and can not simply be accelerated or skipped its phases. Although English has become an essential skill in the era of information and communication, we should still pay attention lest we become strangers in our own country.
In order to maintain the existence of local cultural values ​​in students SBI to consider the following solutions:
1.        Make an exact division between subjects and local subjects. Exact subjects include math and science, as well as the core subjects of vocational English. While locally-based subjects, such as history, civics, religion was taught using the Indonesian language.
2.       Learning that uses bilingual, if the school has not been able, delivery should not impose the English language. Teachers may still use the Indonesian language, to aid student understanding. It should be emphasized is the out put of the SBI should be able to compete internationally.
3.       Lessons in English, teachers are expected to be teaching in accordance with the cultural values ​​that exist in Indonesian society. The subjects were taught in English should use an approach the contextual so that students do not feel foreign to their daily lives. At the time of their science lessons, teachers should still show or bring examples of local culture such as making tempeh, fermented, and know, and others.
4.       Schools must keep hold of the local culture-based activities such as Kartini Day, Independence August 17 etc.. were able to keep the spirit of nationalism.

Finisher :

The language adopted in the International School learning is not the main problem, the main problem lies in the quality. SISsebaiknya planting the main problem lies in the quality. SIS should inculcate values ​​of local culture to the students that as an Indonesian identity is not lost.

Bibliography :
Anonim. 2007. Pedoman Penjamin Mutu Sekolah/Madrasah Bertaraf Internasional Pada Jenjang Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah. Depdiknas. Jakarta
Anonim. 2006. Undang-undang RI Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional. WIPRESS
Anonim. 2006. Rencana Strategis Departemen Pendidikan Nasional Tahun 2005-2009. Depdiknas. Jakarta
Kir Haryana. 2007. Konsep Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional. Direktorat Pembinaan Sekolah Menengah Pertama. Jakarta